Friday, July 26, 2013

3dp3dt - Bitter, Deflated

Dr. M was right. None of the 4 remaining embryos made it to freeze. 3 stalled out and 1 made it to a blastocyst so terribly fragmented and fucked that it was not worth freezing.

IVF #2 has revealed that my egg quality is for shit. IVF #1 suggested that as well but this time feels like a nail in the coffin. I also am completely fed up with my clinic's lab. There have been so many signs that it is simply subpar. I won't bother going into details. If this doesn't work, I'm moving on to a new and better clinic. Or not. Or buying donor eggs on the black market, adopting, quitting my job and getting 6 or 7 new dogs from the shelter. And I am not going to walk them.

This week has been shit. I've been feeling sick, my sesame oiled ass can barely walk, and my embryos refused to jump in the freezer. Thank God it's Friday. Not in a Boy-Meets-World kinda way, more in a I-need-to-hibernate kinda way. I don't really get to do that as it's the largest work event of the year tomorrow. 1200 guests, lots of drama and much anticipation. Bad timing.

Sorry for the rant. It's just one of those crap days. I'm very disappointed and in a pretty hopeless place. This too shall pass, I'm told. 

Update: Trying to stay positive for lil' 8-cell.


  1. I'm sorry that none of your embryos made it to freeze. Were you taking egg quality supplements prior to the cycle? My dr gave me a bunch of vitamins and supplements to take starting three months before my IVF cycle.

    1. Yup, been on CoQ10, D3, L-Arginine, B6, and fish oil. A veritable cocktail.

  2. Oh, I'm sorry about the embryos. And we all have those shit-tastic, days, right? It will all turn out OK and you will get your bebe somehow, some way. Stay positive for your little 8 cell stunner right now. We're all here for you. Vent away, have a bad day, hibernate and then... smile tomorrow. Or whenever. And if your clinic gives you a bad vibe, move on. You know what's best for you.

    1. Thanks, love. I needed the rant. And fortunately I have an unedited, no-holds-barred forum for my spewage.

  3. Ugh. This sucks. I'm so sorry - you're totally entitled to rant and rave and bitch and moan (simultaneously, intermittently, whatever). I do, however, appreciate the Boy Meets World reference. Anyway, *pumps fist for the lil 8 cell*!
